Trusted Suppliers

If you know of a particularly good supplier, use the contacts page to tell us about them, their web or postal address, and if there is anything special about them that makes you use them.

Jean's Creations

Our very own Jean Boath runs regular workshops on a variety of textile art topics. These workshops are very popular, so get in quick

The Remnant House

The Remnant House, based in Harrogate, are a provider of fabrics and fine material. They also have ranges of haberdashery supplies for all levels of hobbyists.

The Peacock and the Tortoise

Quilting, patchwork,embroidery, felting and textile crafts.

Based in Perth, they also run courses and workshops.

Empress Mills

A huge range ot threads of all types, from general purpose sewing threads to overlocking/serging, to
patchwork & quilting, machine embroidery, pure silk, 100% cotton and many more (see site for more information).

Thread can be supplied on bobbins from 250metres ranging up to large cones of 44,000m. They also stock a huge array of haberdashery, zip fasteners & sewing accessories.


Suppliers of many things related to Sewing and Embroidery.

They appear to be especially good on Sulky 40 threads. Good range and low prices. Some of their 1000m cones are cheaper than 250m spools elsewhere.